Wednesday, February 17, 2010

CPSIA - ICPHSO Update on Public Database

Remarks of Ming Zhu and Chad Tompkins, Office of Info Technology, on the Public Database. This presentation will apparently be posted online at
  • They are very excited about the database. They acknowledge that they are IT guys, not lawyers. Gotcha.
  • Will give access to "far more" product info than previously available. Will provide much faster access to the info.
  • Corporate participants can also get incident reports much more quickly and act much more quickly. [This is an obvious set up for an opportunity to judge the speed of your surveillance and response. I think it's best understood as the basis for compelling a certain helter skelter speed to respond. The populace demands it . . . .]
  • Chairman Tenenbaum noted that has gone live, although the database is not yet functional. She says you can track the progress of the database on the website and kick the tires of its new design before its March 2011 rollout.
  • They are looking forward to enhanced early detection of hazards.
  • Consumers will have access to all consumer reports and manufacturer replies when making consumer product choices. Oooh, this is a good one. I am so glad I gave comments on this database. Why not just let us put our comment letters through the shredder ourselves?
  • Will capture info on the submitters and the incident on the site.
  • Phase I is to "turn on the fire hose" and phase II is where the agency improves its infrastructure to handle it. They recounted the overall IT improvement plan.
  • Will use Social Media to drive traffic. Earlier in the day, Cheri Falvey noted the popularity of the video showing a carrot being severed by a stroller. Cute!
  • They want us to talk about our website at our Tupperware parties. Something to think about.

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