Monday, September 13, 2010

CPSIA - What Lead Threat, says EPA.

760 days have passed since ANY Democrat in Congress did ANYTHING to help us on the CPSIA. There are only 51 days left until Election Day.

I know Congress told us that lead is a major health threat in children's products. Far be it from me to doubt the Junior Scientists Club that the Dems have fashioned in Congress. I am sure they know what they're talking about.

Unfortunately, the Junior Scientists forgot to coordinate with the EPA. Well, why would we think the Environmental Protection Agency would know anything about neurotoxins in the environment or in the home? Strangely, the EPA happens to be very concerned about the presence of lead in the home. In fact, they published a brochure entitled "Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home". A friend recently signed an apartment lease and was handed this brochure for his safety.

I couldn't help but be curious. The EPA wants to protect against lead in the home. SURELY they would mention lead in children's products. Children, our most vulnerable consumers, blah blah blah. Right?

Ummm, no. There is no mention of children's products, much less lead-in-substrate. The focus is on lead-in-paint ON THE WALLS.

A few "shocking" revelations from the dumb ole' EPA:

a. "People can get lead in their bodies by breathing or swallowing lead dust, or by eating soil or paint chips containing lead."

b. "In most cases, lead-based paint that is in good condition is not a hazard." [Think of all the CPSC recalls for a dot of lead-in-paint.]

c. "Lead is even more dangerous to children under the age of 6." [Waxman has refused categorically to compromise on this fix for the ridiculous and unsupportable age range of the CSPIA.]

d. "Where Lead-Based Paint is Found" [No mention of anything other than paint found on walls, or in the soil around a home which can pick up dust from interior paint or air pollution.]

e. "Identifying Lead Hazards"
  • Lead-based paints
  • Deteriorating lead-based paint (peeling, chipping, chalking, crackling or damaged).
  • Lead dust
  • Lead in soil

No mention of consumer products of any kind. Not even ATVs or bicycle seats!

f. "Other Sources of Lead"

  • Drinking water
  • The job
  • Old painted toys and furniture
  • Food and liquids stored in leaded crystal or lead-glazed pottery or porcelain
  • Lead smelters
  • Hobbies that use lead
  • Folk remedies

Hmmm. Lead paint was illegal for YEARS before the CPSIA. Apparently, the EPA was totally asleep at the switch until Congress discovered the mortal hazard of lead lurking in every conceivable consumer product and reengineered the CPSC in its paranoid image. As we know, under Congress' direction, Inez Tenenbaum assures us that the CPSC "[looks] at what the danger is". And that danger is the lead bogeyman. Odd, isn't it, that the EPA continues to circulate this document so out of touch with Congress' and the CPSC's insights?

Gotta love good government!


E Melander said...

One thing that is new this last year by the EPA is the requirement for licensed contractors for lead paint removal during home renovations. You can't hire just anyone to replace your old windows or paint your house. They must be licensed. If any paint chips fall on the ground, you will have to remove a lot of dirt.

Of course, you can do it all yourself and they don't care. But if you hire someone, they must be dressed in environmental protection suits with breather masks. Oh, and if you only paint the trim around one window, no protection needed. If you do all the windows, protection is needed. So it appears that a little lead exposure is ok. Crazy, crazy rules.

halojones-fan said...

"f. Other Sources of Lead: Old painted toys and furniture"

Well, there it is; "new" is the new "old".

Anonymous said...

of course, EPA is threatening to take action on cadmium in products if CPSC doesn't.

Maybe we can get them to take action on lead in products since CPSC won't...

just kidding..