Monday, September 27, 2010

CPSIA - Regulations Are Killing Us

774 days have passed since ANY Democrat in Congress did ANYTHING to help us on the CPSIA. There are only 36 days left until Election Day.

The headline in the WSJ says it all (thanks, Jennifer):

"The Regulation Tax Keeps Growing. Blame Washington, not China, for the decline of American manufacturing." [Emphasis added]

I have written endlessly on this topic in relation to the poisonous CPSIA. You know the drill.

Of course, it can hardly be surprising that this is happening under the "too little government, too little regulation" administration of Barack Obama. It is a rich irony that the supervisor of regulations appointed by Mr. Obama is Cass Sunstein, my former law school professor. As the cognoscenti know, Sunstein is known for his aversion to uneconomic regulations. Consider this prediction from February 2009:

"Even his detractors recognize Sunstein, 54, as an amazingly prolific legal scholar with a keen intellect. But they worry about his insistence on tying regulations to cost-benefit analysis, the bedrock principle of his Bush-era predecessor, John Graham. They're also concerned about his prediction last year that Obama will be a deregulator. 'He is off on the wrong track,' says Rena Steinzor, a progressive University of Maryland law professor." [Emphasis added]

Either Sunstein was given a sham of a job, or the appointment was a sham, or the administration subverted a purportedly sensible initiative, reining in regulations using a cost-benefit philosophy. Whatever happened, it is clear that Mr. Sunstein has been utterly ineffective in any purported efforts to control the beast. As noted, we have covered this topic repeatedly in this space.

The WSJ notes:

"In a report released last week for the Office of Advocacy of the U.S. Small Business Administration, we find that small businesses bear a disproportionately large share of regulatory costs. The portion of these costs that falls initially on businesses overall was $8,086 per employee in 2008. But these costs are not borne equally by businesses of all sizes. Larger firms benefit from economies of scale in compliance; small businesses do not have that advantage . . . . Small manufacturers bear compliance costs that are 110% higher than those of medium-sized firms and 125% higher than large firms' costs. As much as it is fashionable to blame China for the demise of small manufacturing in America, the evidence suggests that looking for some reasons closer to home is warranted." [Emphasis added]

What-a-shock! Who could have seen this coming?

The WSJ article is full of useful quotes, check it out. All roads lead to Rome - the regulatory monster is choking us to DEATH. And as usual, there is little motivation to do anything about this self-induced disaster until the bodies pile up the sky.

Sadly, my arguments fail simply because of the offense of not being dead yet.

Hey, CPSC, keep your head in the sand. Can't see it, must not be there. . . .

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