Tuesday, August 18, 2009

CPSIA - Video Blog on Tracking Labels Guidance

In this video, I analyze the recent CPSC Tracking Labels Guidance to answer the following question: "If I don't label my products (as provided in the guidance) BUT must be able provide all the information specified in Section 103, how is it possible to do that without labels?" The guidance, deemed sensitive to the needs of small business, addresses this question. For my take on the new requirements, please watch below.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I need more information about tracking label, I am from Lima,PerĂº I am working in textile company. My blog is http://tinyurl.com/olpfqk

Fernando Hinostroza

Anonymous said...

My blog, I need more information of tracking label and my blog is:


Fernando Hinostroza
From Lima,PerĂº

kathleen said...

I was thinking "magic wand" and then you launched into the Hogwarts Tracking Management Method.

We think too much alike.

Anonymous said...

Keep going Rick! Congress really needs to fix this law. I run a small business that has been impacted by this law. We need more people like you speaking up. When will Congress get it?! I hope it is before I go out of business.

jennifer said...

great - thank you!

Anonymous said...

I just left you a video response. If it doesn't show up, click on my videos and it is the most recent one (Power2Parents is my "handle" on Youtube). Good job, Rick!

Tristan Benz
Maiden America

bchiasson said...

2,000 items...is that all you have? How about 30,000 SKUs in inventory? It's impossible to keep up. And what about product bought from other domestic suppliers who they themselves are the importer of record? Try over 450 suppliers. Have you ever tried to get suppliers, who are extremely ignorant on this topic, to reply to letters, emails and phone calls about their process for compliance? I'd have better luck waiting for the CPSC to actually answer one of Rick's logical questions! Not every distributor can have the leverage over its suppliers like Walmart and Toys R' Us!