Thursday, February 26, 2009

CPSIA - Small Business Committee Hearing BULLETIN

I have just been advised that the hearings of the Subcommittee on Regulations and Healthcare (House Committee on Small Business) has been CANCELLED. This is the third time I have been invited and uninvited to testify before Congress. Mr. Waxman must be terrified to have me on the record. Say, Henry, what's up? Why are you afraid of me?


Valerie Jacobsen said...

He's afraid of the truth.

Headmistress, zookeeper said...

Or he has a total disdain for the truth.

Valerie Jacobsen said...

Probably that--and a total disdain for us too.

Ruth said...

Rick I am just so sick of that man! It's like he WANTS us to have to close our doors. Just in general it really pisses me off that the government seems to be listening more to the so-called "public interest groups" over their own constituents. And I've read that there's talk of replacing Nancy Nord with a former member of Public Citizen or PIRG?? Are they nuts??? I feel like if this happens we're really screwed.

Oh, by the way, I recently wrote to my Congressmen asking them to support the bills to amend CPSIA that are currently in committee in the House and Senate. (Yes, we're better off having it repealed, but I think there's a snowball's chance in hell of that happening.) I posted the letter I sent to my blog if anyone wants to use it:

Nom de Blog said...

Rep. Radanovich suggests that we call Rep. Nydia Velazquez, the chairwoman of the House Small Business Committee, and ask her to reschedule the meeting. Here's her number: (202) 225-2361